Author: Greg Rasa

A truck crash March 14 in Pittsford, N.Y. Fortunately the truck driver, and three adults and an infant in a automobile, had only minor injuries. (AP)   We frequently get email from personal injury law firms which have mined National Highway Traffic Safety Administration crash data for insights. Their motive is presumably to drum up business, but there’s also a PSA aspect, and these pitches can uncover some interesting facts. In today’s data dump from a Boston law firm, we learned that there’s a place within the oil fields of West Texas where considerably greater than half of all fatal…

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Mercedes this morning allow us to understand it’s teaming up with an organization called Space Perspective, which can offer paying passengers a first-class ticket to space via a balloon. Well, not space. The vehicle they’d fly is trademark-dubbed the SpaceBalloon, however the targeted altitude is 100,000 feet. That is well shy of the 50-mile (264,000 feet) boundary for space recognized by NASA, and even shier of the internationally recognized Kármán Line at 100 kilometers (328,000 feet). Though since the atmosphere simply gets thinner the upper you go, there isn’t any real hard boundary to space, so calling it space is…

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